The Importance Of Research For  Heart 

Hridaymitra Foundation’s research efforts are fueled by a deep-seated belief in the power of knowledge to conquer heart disease.
We delve into the intricacies of cardiovascular health, seeking answers to pressing questions and paving the way for a healthier future.

Closer Look At Our Research Landscape


Biomarkers and Risk Factors

This includes investigating genetic factors, metabolic markers, and circulating proteins with predictive potential.

Early Intervention

Imagine readily available, non-invasive tests that accurately assess your heart health.Our researchers are developing innovative screening tools.

Lifestyle and Environmental Determinants

We know lifestyle plays a crucial role in heart health. Our research explores the complex interplay of diet, exercise, stress.

Treatment & Management


Novel Therapies and Medications

Our researchers are at the forefront of investigating new medications and therapeutic approaches for various heart conditions.

Rehabilitation and Lifestyle Modifications

Recovery from heart disease is a journey, and we're here to guide the way.Our research evaluates the effectiveness of rehabilitation programs.

Personalized Medicine for the Heart

We're actively exploring the potential of personalized medicine, using individual genetic and clinical data to tailor treatment strategies for optimal results.

Listen to Your Heart, Let Us Know You Heard: Join Hridaymitra Foundation Beat for a Brighter Future

Your heart pumps for you, now it's time to pump for you! Join Hridaymitra's mission to empower hearts, educate minds, and build a world where everyone thrives. Donate, volunteer, or learn more - contact us today and let your heart be heard!

Invest in a Heart-Healthy Future

Supporting Hridaymitra Foundation’s research is an investment in your own heart health and the well-being of generations to come. By partnering with us, you can :


Thank you to our
wonderful volunteers

Building Equitable Solutions
At Hridaymitra Foundation, we believe healthy hearts shouldn’t be a privilege enjoyed by a select few. We champions access, equity, and empowerment, weaving heart health knowledge and resources into the fabric of communities, especially those facing the greatest burdens. Here’s how we’re bridging the gap and ensuring everyone has a fair shot at a heart-healthy life.

Building Equitable Solutions: